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Best Way to present this Help required


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I am doing a stage show there will be three plasmas each side of the stage mounted above each other.


we require static holding images or moving looped holding images for to thirds of the show then video for 6 or 7 different songs.


We will sometimes have the same image spread across each screen so a third of the image on each stacked plasma then duplicated on the other 3.


and sometimes seperate images / video on each individual screen.


Whats the best way to play this back??


Plus we will have 4 or 5 fixed mini cams around the stage so need to feed for these.


Any advice on switchers


Playback, ideally computer based??


would ideally like to get this down to 1 operator, small mixer for cameras and playback.



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Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a quote for the job?

I'm not being facetious but looking at your website you would appear to be very much lighting specialists. I wouldn't be advising my clients on what sort of lighting to use for a show - at least not the how to so to speak - I would however be hiring specialists in to provide that expertise for me rather than asking here how to set up a rig full of of whatever kind of luminaires.

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I would recommend the following.


A 6 display watchout rig "pm me or e-mail me for more info or a quote"


more info on watchout


or if you're not to bothered about quality you could go with a 2 display watchout rig one for the Stage Right and one for the Stage left and use some of the samsung plasmas that we stock " I can not remember the model off hand" that can do simple arrays stand alone, eg. one video feed to 3 screens , each showing a 1/3 slice of the image.


if you need any help or more info let me know



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Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a quote for the job?

I'm not being facetious but looking at your website you would appear to be very much lighting specialists. I wouldn't be advising my clients on what sort of lighting to use for a show - at least not the how to so to speak  - I would however be hiring specialists in to provide that expertise for me rather than asking here how to set up a rig full of of whatever kind of luminaires.


Thanks for your help! we are lighting and designers yet I am involved in a show in the states and want to add VT to it yet to get a quote I need to come up with a rough spec, I have had advice from some friends in AV companies but thought some people in this forum might have new or novel ideas.

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As I said I wasnt meaning to be difficult (honest :P ), there are several ways of achieving what you need to do, Watchout is certainly one of them. Most of the ones that spring to mind involve image processing and so will almost certainly require computer based play back at some point. I have built presentations like this with Director requiring that the playback machine has the requisite number of output cards. Additionally you could probably run the graphics switching with one operator though you may find that that operator isnt the tech who sets the kit up. The difficulty with numbers of operators may arise out of how much VT & camera switching you need to do - you may find you will also need a vision mixer (the person as well as the kit) particularly if you have the number of cameras you mention.

Hope thats more helpful. If you want a quote for the job feel free to pm (seeing as others are offering quotes... :( )

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You could also try a few catalyst media servers with capture cards and a vision mixer for the cameras. If you are a lighting person you will find programing Catalyst easy as it is done mainly through Hog lighting desks. Catalyst can also handle a single image over two displays now. However, watchout is equally good, but as a lighting person you may find the programing interface difficult to get your head round.


Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a quote for the job?

I'm not being facetious but looking at your website you would appear to be very much lighting specialists. I wouldn't be advising my clients on what sort of lighting to use for a show - at least not the how to so to speak  - I would however be hiring specialists in to provide that expertise for me rather than asking here how to set up a rig full of of whatever kind of luminaires.


Thanks for your help! we are lighting and designers yet I am involved in a show in the states and want to add VT to it yet to get a quote I need to come up with a rough spec, I have had advice from some friends in AV companies but thought some people in this forum might have new or novel ideas.

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For the video playback parts, although it can't switch in live video, I quite like these;


I've used the next model down (one video output,) and it's been very solidly engineered and reliable (and no, I don't work for them :stagecrew: )


Plays back MPEG video off disk, very straightforward to control and update, scriptable, synchronisable, etc.

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