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Mic that records to sd card advice please


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Have you tried getting 200 students across three years of undergrads to coherently understand anything technical without them nodding off or having that glazed look in their eyes!


in 28 years of uni, they still often turn up with a wmv movie or a left handed iphone recording for the theatre.....

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in 28 years of uni, they still often turn up with a wmv movie or a left handed iphone recording for the theatre.....


Both of these are fine and a common occurrence. If your system can't cope with these then either the equipment is the wrong spec or it is user error.

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You still haven't told us what course the students are studying? You mention a theatre which suggests a theatre performers course, if so I'd feel very short changed if a theatre performers course didn't at least, impart the necessary tech knowhow to operate a Zoom H2 reliablyhttp://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif
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in 28 years of uni, they still often turn up with a wmv movie or a left handed iphone recording for the theatre.....


Both of these are fine and a common occurrence. If your system can't cope with these then either the equipment is the wrong spec or it is user error.


excuse me!

thats one hell of an assumption to make when you nothing about what I do

I started a thread asking advice specifically about microphones that record to sd card.


it says nothing about the other kit I use so I would thank you to be a little more informed before you tell me our system cant cope or our equipment is the wrong spec!




You still haven't told us what course the students are studying?


I dont think personal or student details about our courses are relavent in this thread


thanks for the HHB flash mic advice

any mod sees this please delete or lock this thread



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Sadly, we don't usually lock a topic just because people don't understand, or ask for more information, and delating a topic only happens when rules are broken.


With my mod hat on (and my own student experience) I can't see anything asking for personal or student information?


Back at the top the first post said

instead of me having to sit at cubase for what is often a two minute voice over.

We've suggested a few alternatives, but I'm not sure what you expected?


The question on the course is perfect;y valid. If the students are studying the art or history of a subject, then they may have no technical skills, but if they are technical, trying out process, the equipment choice seems extremely valid.


I too wonder what the process is that causes the grief? If they are recording a voice over, then even with the HHB flash card mic many of us used, it still had to be transferred, didn't it?


If you ask for help - we try to give it, but getting enough information to contextualise responses is pretty important if contributing members are not going to waste their time.


People here have provided some useful information, that's obviously not what you wanted, but you were not specific about what you needed - just something to not waste your time?


f your system can't cope with these then either the equipment is the wrong spec or it is user error.

This does seem valid - if the need to record voice overs causes such grief, then something clearly isn't quite right? I don't see anything cheeky about it - you want a system that saves you having to do the student's work - which seems very sensible.


I've read the entire thing again, and no rules have been broken, and everyone has been quite civil.


Personally, I didn't realise the flashmic was gone - so I was quite interested in the things being discussed.


We really don't close topics because people ask questions?



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I began a thread asking for advice about microphones that have sd capability


if I wanted to know about zoom recorders I would have asked that, I already have zoom recorders available


I dont see the need to talk about my student courses


I dont expect people to tell my my kit is not up to spec when all I am asking is about mics with an sd card


typical for this place to throw in all sorts of other stuff im not interested in


a two page thread has ONE MENTION of the hhb mic which is now gone


I didnt ask for alternatives, had I wanted alternatives I would have asked.


the technical skills of my students have nothing to do with this thread


I asked for details on a microphone, no more no less


I never mentioned any grief, as I said, we have zooms, we have cubase we have studios


people should read the title and not contribute if they have nothing to add other than alternatives which I didnt ask for, ask about the courses or tell me my equipemt is no good when I have not asked for any of that


useful information, no , a pile of rubbish about kit and zooms


one person contributed for which I am grateful, I was after the hhb flash mic but couldnt find it online as I had forgotten the manufacturer, so other that the yello mic I mentioned, this thread is done thanks

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people should read the title and not contribute if they have nothing to add other than alternatives which I didnt ask for, ask about the courses or tell me my equipemt is no good when I have not asked for any of that


useful information, no , a pile of rubbish about kit and zooms

If memory serves, this isn't the first time you've been dis-satisfied with the response. It's also not the first time that you've provided a vague question. Perhaps you just don't agree with the way the forum seems to run and it's not for you - maybe you'll get the answers you require elsewhere.





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Good job I'm not a pedantic man, otherwise I'd probably point out that the HBB mic technically isn't SD capable..


It does look a good product for simplicity and usability though at a good price, although if sound quality is a concern I would consider that it probably isn't going to win any awards when compared to some of the simpler more mainstream handheld recording devices.

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I've removed some of the most unpleasant posts we have ever had on the blue room, including foul language of the most extreme kind - to those who didn't explode, my thanks - but I have zapped the lot.


He also directed a fair bit of abuse at me, but frankly, it matters very little, I pay no attention whatsoever.


In the absence of my mod colleagues, I've switched off his access until things calm down.


The deliberate act of using spaces to prevent the rude word filter in this was is completely unacceptable and before the outburst, no rules were broken - however the line was not just crossed but stamped on.


Those that remember the university he works at will no doubt draw their own conclusions on this sad state of affairs.



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My suggestion was actually meant seriously - there is a slightly more grown-up version of the Easi-Speak also aimed at schools - the 'Pro' (odd how that word usually means 'you can be pretty sure a real professional would run a mile from this bit of kit!')http://www.primaryict.co.uk/resources/tts/primaryict/easi-speak-pro-250px.jpg - the price is pretty good, and they just plug straight into a USB socket. For quick voice recording (for class practice) they look pretty good.
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The previously mentioned Yellowtec is aimed at radio reporters.


Details: HERE.


This one is available with a choice of capsules (some from the manufacturer and some Beyer Dynamic ones) so you can customise the sound.


I've only heard this a couple of times but they seemed pretty good--and I suspect that if you listen to radio news you've heard them more often than you know.


However, with the price I'd probably be tempted by a Zoom recorder instead for a better compromise in price and quality.

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