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How to mess up the lights when abroad


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1413266977[/url]' post='509185']
1413265166[/url]' post='509184']

I've stopped saying "profile" and my venue is notoriously the only one in town that carries PCs in stock, so every new technician gets the "this is a PC" talk. I still occasionally say something, get a slightly blank look and have to rephrase in Canadian for people.


What's Canadian for "profile"?

If you remember some other examples, I'd be really grateful :)


Presumably Leko/ellipsoidal/ERS, like their neighbours to the south?

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my venue is notoriously the only one in town that carries PCs in stock, so every new technician gets the "this is a PC" talk


Sadly not even a foreign job but one in the UK.... hired my lanterns locally, spec'd something like 20 PCs amongst other things and the price was good so I took them up on it.


The reason the price was generous was that the hire manager thought PC stood for Par Can. The fact that my spec also had Par cans on it, listed as par cans, didn't seem to sway him at all.


Had to go with fresnels in the end. Lesson learned, you get what you pay for!

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When I started work in the UK people looked at me funny if I asked for a "shifter", which is a very common term in NZ/Australia...but then no-one here Down Under has ever heard an adjustable spanner being called an "AJ". And I'd never heard a followspot ("dome" at this end of the world) being called a "lime" until I got to England. One which took me by surprise in Australia is "bio box" for control room.
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I've heard and used "shifter" in the adjustable spanner context in the UK. Not anywhere near as common as AJ, certainly.

Of course, in NZ I imagine it is pronounced "shufter". :)


Edit: actually on reflection, I may have picked that term up from southern hemisphere type local crew, Affinity, Gallowglass etc. of which there are many in the UK.

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That same Canadian company (Stratford Festival) hired in about every Leko White Light then owned as they couldn't get their heads around the UK lanterns, especially fresnels. We on the other hand had a bit of trouble with the Lekos to start with.

They were also called ERS (Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight)


The American company that visited me in Guildford had picked the wrong lantern for a particular job. I recommended a replacement from our stock. They were a bit taken aback I didn't need to go and do a section etc to figure out the beam angle as they would do for their fixed beam Lekos. It did help that I knew the building and we had zooms!


On the timing thing, the same lot, whose show was due up at 7.45 asked me what time the show started. I replied 7.45 (I thought it was a trick question) at which point the cast were called onstage to be told that we did expect the show to start then. Cue much muttering and groaning. When we visited Santa Monica on the return it was obvious that the FOH arrangements there were chaotic to say the least and so no-one expected the show to go up on time so no-one arrived on time and so forth


They also really didn't like the idea of the Half either, preferring to turn up when it suited them, as long as it was before kick off.



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In an area slightly off topic but hopefully you will like it - silly questions I've been asked as a supplier of kit - from people of all nations.


Someone once wanted a sound system for use in a childrens play park (this was before combi radiomic / CD player battery powered units) so I asked them by what means did they have to power the kit? Did they have a generator? The reply was, what's a generator? Followed swiftly by, Is it similar to a lawnmower?


An enquiry came through from someoneone once asking for a "Follow through spot".


Can I play my CD's on a record player?


A maths teacher once asked for help with ordering some borders and tabs as they were "unable to convert from imperial to metric"...


I supply lighting / sound / staging, technical solutions etc but over the years have been offered a tiger costume, ventriloquist dummy, trees you can hide in and a dentists chair!


I'm sure there must be more but I just can't think of them right now.



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I had a customer hire a data projector, then phone angrily a couple of hours later when they couldn't find the slot to insert their VHS tape. "But we asked for a video projector and this is what you gave us!"


Also had several people phone up asking to hire a radio mic, and being blissfully unaware that you need to connect it to a speaker system of some kind to actually get any noise.

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