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I'm about to start a short run of a show and need to stock up on tape and elastic for rigging lavs. I've decided to switch from Micropore to Blenderm for tape but can't seem to find anyone who stocks Blenderm - any tips?


Also, I'm planning on using elastic for hairline mounts - tried to hunt around a few local shops for suitable elastic cord but with no luck - are there any national chains which stock this? Previously those actors who have had hairline mounts have supplied their own, but I found that position much easier to work with EQ wise so I'm hoping to use it with the whole cast this time.





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Hi there!


Try this supplier:



I see that you live in London so you could try the chemist John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore St. I'm afraid I don't have the phone number handy but I'm sure they will tell you straight away if they have it in stock or they can probably order it for you.....they stock just about everything to do with dressings and surgical instruments etc. I know because I used to work there many moons ago! :rolleyes:

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Blenderm is very much my favourite tape for mounting headworn mics.


None of my local chemists stock it, but most are quite happy to get it in for me and can usually have it the next day if I place an order. Certainly my local branches of both the Lloyds and Boots chains have been willing and able to do it.



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try woolworths or John Lewis haberdashery for elastic ( or any place that sells dressmaking supplies - unfortunately in this day and age, like any "proper" shop, haberdashers are getting a bit harder to find.)


also useful is "earhanger wire" ( I think it's called) available from canford audio.

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In the same vein. Where to get toupee clips and florists wire? I'm getting used to the strange looks when I ask in our local shops, but also still determined to make a better job of mounting the lavs for our next show.



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Does this lead us nicely into a discussion on the favourite/best way to mount these? We've talked about positions (over the ear, hairline), but not really about the mechanics of mounting them. Some discussion would be good. Some photos even better!


Florists wire: Have you tried a florist? Seriously....they may not normally sell it, but they'll have loads of it. My mum used to do flower arranging, and she had boxes of the stuff. She got it at the florists wholesaler.


Tape: When you go to give blood, they usually ask if you are allergic to fabric Elastoplast. Has anyone ever come across this problem?




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Regarding wire, Canford sell a product they call "ear loop wire" which is effectively florists' wire with a (roughly) flesh coloured wrap and a dollop of plastic at either end so there are no dangerous "pointy bits". It's a bit more expensive than blagging ordinary wire from the local florist but only a couple of quid per hundred.


As for allergies, yes, I've several times encountered actresses (never actors strangely enough) who were allergic to one brand or another of tape. Usually a swap to another sort will sort it all out.



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Does this lead us nicely into a discussion on the favourite/best way to mount these? We've talked about positions (over the ear, hairline), but not really about the mechanics of mounting them. Some discussion would be good. Some photos even better!






I'm far from expert but have used several methods of fixing. Ear hangers made from 18 swg tinned copper covered with silicone sleeving works with some people but not others. I am currently experimenting with the CPC mics suggested by Pete Alcock on 29th November last. As supplied they look awful but cut back to a position just over the ear, resleeved and painted with acrylic paint they become very low key. I will be using some next week and will take some pictures, time permitting. The tricky bit is replacing the black material over the front of the capsule. I am using bits cut from a rather faded yellow duster which has a suitably open weave and approximates to skin tone fairly well. This is held in place with UHU prior to heat shrinking the capsule to the wire hanger. The heat shrink protrudes slightly to protect the edge of the cloth. By ear I can't distinguish between the original mic , a modified one or a TS259





PS I am still after some toupee clips to try!

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Regarding wire,  Canford sell a product they call "ear loop wire" which is effectively florists' wire with a (roughly) flesh coloured wrap and a dollop of plastic at either end so there are no dangerous "pointy bits".  It's a bit more expensive than blagging ordinary wire from the local florist but only a couple of quid per hundred.





Yup - that's what I meant by "earhanger wire" - I thought I'd got the name wrong. last time I bought it it came on a little reel, and you cut off what you need. Oh and the florists wire I've come across is usually green, whereas the Canford stuff is beige and slightly more discrete....


Toupee tape I've bought from Charles Fox in Covent Garden. Toupee clips I've never tried, but I think there's a shop up near Baker Street that sells them - I'll see if I can track down the name.


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I've come late into this topic. I work for a local Arts complex doing far to many amateur operatic shows. We use a 3M tape called Transpore (the same stuff they use for sticking things to you in hospital. It is porous so your artists sweat through it and it can be coloured with a touch of make-up. I've never had anybody sweat it off yet.

I buy mine from the local lloyds Chemist although they have to order it in for me. The last cost was £1.76 a spool for 50mm wide. It comes in a box of 12.


It's worth giving a try..




ps it does leave a bit of sticky residue on the artist, but then that's not a sound technicians problem..

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