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We use a samsung camera that switches between two modes, and you can see the IR filter "wiping" across the image as it goes into low light mode. That said, it copes fairly well with the dynamic range from complete blackout (where the inbuilt IR leds give an extremely good image) to brightly lit, but there can be loss of detail in the brightest areas as it overexposes. It can sometimes struggle when you go into a snap blackout - it can take a second or two for the image to reestablish. I wondered if your camera coped in those situations.
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How do you find it copes when the stage goes dark or in a blackout?


Better than the XM1 I should think. They were not very good in low light.

Yes - it flips into IR mode, it whites out when the IR ring comes on but then recovers very quickly (less than half a second). The XM1 was best described as "terrible" in either extreme of light.


It's about 10m from the stage, the stage is approx a 15m width, and the inbuilt IR does a surprisingly good job of covering it.


Alister - if it's a big issue for you I'll record some a video feed of it - won't be until I am back at work in the new year though. We don't see the IR wipe but the recovery isn't instant but don't think it is as bad as two seconds. What we have also found is the destination TV can have a huge effect as well, as the way the TV copes with dynamic and over-exposed signal can vary hugely as well - not to generalise but the newer the better overall.

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