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DL1608 v3, first gig - oh dear!


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I have had a read at you link Sam.spoons and I am having no problems at all with mine and also had 3 different IPads connected at them same time as my own which was docked. The only time the wireless pads had a problem was when I went to out of MF3 to play music from my own IPad via IPads own app Music. but all was normal when I went back in to MF3. I know this as I was using one of the wireless IPads to ajust the volume of the music playing and it was slow to respond
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Cheers, S. I did follow that thread and had decided on the basis of the lag I experienced in demo that 'unusable' was too strong a term. Now I'm not so sure. I've listened back to the audio recording and it's brought back all kinds of memories and exposed a few more issues. The delay on the mute buttons means all songs/tunes start dry as a bone, reverb and delay kick in when v3 decides it is good and ready. Sounds v amateurish. Adjustments are overblown, settling down once I've heard the delayed result and compensated accordingly. Not pleasant listening.


I'll get through NYE as best I can and survey the scene afterwards. The plan to recommend the dl32 has def been put on ice, I suspect the band will have an x32r by the end of Jan, and anyone familiar with my thoughts on Behringer in another place will know how much this will pain me.


As an aside, I was under the impression that the Glow and Grow system included a short delay to avoid accidental adjustments. I can flick faders and EQ points (delayed, of course) around with no problem. Is this another bug?

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I have an X32 Compact (as you know Shuff) and, while I share your your feelings about much Berry kit, the X32 is very good indeed.


The problem with recommending a new DL1608 is that the purchaser will be stuck with MF3 (unless Mackie do reissue MF2 as MF-Lite maybe).

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I have an X32 Compact (as you know Shuff) and, while I share your your feelings about much Berry kit, the X32 is very good indeed.


The problem with recommending a new DL1608 is that the purchaser will be stuck with MF3 (unless Mackie do reissue MF2 as MF-Lite maybe).


A reissue of V2 would be a very sensible option.

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...and a happy New Year to you and your'n.


Last night was much the same. I did notice the longest delays were when saving EQ presets, so much so that I missed a few cues while waiting for the iPad to unfreeze.


By the end of the gig I was touching as little as possible and praying for nothing unexpected to need responding to (I'm not usually one for praying).


By a lucky roll of the dice my laptop is playing silly beggars and is in the process of backing up before I attempt a Vista reinstall.


Happy days.

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  • 1 month later...

v3.02 seems to have done a lovely job of eradicating any EQ lag and has reduced "naming" freeze. There may some issues with recalling scenes but I need more time to rule out the possibility that it's just me losing my mind.

Will report back if I remember. Cheers for the input.

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1424163638[/url]' post='517438']

I have a few gig which need the DL (unless it sells beforehand in which case one client has his own DL, for the others I'll just have to cart the X32 Compact out 'till the new Rack arrives). Given that I'll stick with MF2.1.1 for now on the DL.



I may be back here with a nervous tremble after the weekend in which case yours will have been a very wise choice.

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for sharing this info. Some very good advice offered in this chain about having plenty of lead-time before upgrading the MF software, or any other mission-critical software for that matter! I've been using MF v2.1.1 with a DL 1608 for about a year to mix sound for my cover band. It's been working very well for me, but knowing what I know about commercial software makes me very squeamish about upgrading to v3.0 just yet. I've been a software architect and engineer for over 25 years and have learned a good rule of thumb - NEVER apply a major version upgrade until at least 2 fixpacks have been issued! Even though MF v3.0.2 is available today, I still feel some trepidation about upgrading and what I've been reading on-line to date hasn't been enough to reassure me that the upgrade will be seamless enough to suit my needs. We have at least 2 more shows to go this season before our "summer break", so I think I'll hold off upgrading until afterward.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Just a small update to report that ios 8.3 seems to be behaving itself with MF 3.02. There even seems to be a little improvement in the general sluggishness. Anyone else with opinions or experiences please report accordingly.
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Things have been a bit start and stop but there were a couple of definite weirdnesses last night.

During soundcheck as I was sweeping through the EQ the cursor developed a will of it's own and worked it's way from low to high until I switched back to mixer view.


Later, during the gig I brought up the scenes page and when I tried to get bak to overview the button registered the touch but didn't change view. When I double clicked the iPad button to kill the app I noticed the scenes page open as though it were a separate app.

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Yeah, I've got MF Classic installed and it may come to that.

I can't really afford to be the bleeding edge of quality control for Mackie and thinking/rethinking is not conducive to a good tech/user relationship. Unfortunately VCAs have become a fundamental part of my workflow.

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