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Hall Upgrade - Installation Advice


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There are Demux units out there that you can set the control voltage per 6 channels. I think zero88 used to make one.

The more important thing to remember is that the analogue control inputs of pulsar units are wired differently to strand and zero88.

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There are Demux units out there that you can set the control voltage per 6 channels. I think zero88 used to make one.

The more important thing to remember is that the analogue control inputs of pulsar units are wired differently to strand and zero88.


Good point I wonder which demux the OP has. The economics would not be so good if he had to invest in a new demux!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add that if the demux is stuck doing -ve output on all it's channels, Analogue-only betapacks (certainly the MK1) will accept either polarity control inputs (although they output a +ve supply to the desk, just don't connect that pin up!) so would be another option for cheap additional dimmers (not sure about a 5A version, although I think one existed). Building a -ve to +ve analogue control converter is simple but a pain for many channels.


I'd expect the Tempus to work solidly for a long time, especially with the fuses at 5A rather than the 10A fused version of the rack. Make sure no-one puts 10A fuses in the holders!


At some point make sure the nuts/busbar on the back of the blue supply fuse holders (on the right hand end of the rack near the power inlet) are tight - I've seen a failed Tempus which had arced there after the nuts came loose, although it was a hire unit. Don't worry if the "fuse good" neons next to them go out - it's usually the neons blackening inside. They are non-essential, or can be swapped for standard 240V neon indicators fairly easily.

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