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Advice on Refit Infrastructure


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This is all round the wrong way. You will have a few people who are in control of the money, yet you are having trouble matching wants, needs and desires with what money and existing infrastructure can handle.


Before you do anything, you need to find out what capacity you have available for electrical services, then plan accordingly. Extra power could be sitting there, unused, or you could be up against a hard limit. Once you know there real limit, you can plan what goes where. You need to check that everyone involved is working in areas they are competent. The people who mentioned 13A are clearly not familiar with how it's done, but they may know more about some other important area. If you don't want to waste money - you all need a big table to sit around and perhaps do a star chamber style session to sort out the way to get maximum use of the money.


Guess it is something to consider if it makes the difference in terms of needing to upgrade main power infrastructure. We are really up against it as there are M&E deadlines looming. Dought an extra 16a circuit will be and issue. Buy tess, everyone needs to sit down together.

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