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Presentation Help

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How about this not-so-code-based-way (although it still involves some code...):


Make one slide with each quote on it, layed out exactly the same so if you go through it it looks like just the quote is changing. Then on the last quote slide add some code on the onLoad handler so when the slide is loaded it goes back to the first quote slide. Now you should be able to start on the quote slide, hold down the spacebar and it should loop through all the quote slides, returning to the first quote slide when it gets to the last.


If you put this slides in the middle of a presentation, then you should be able to do the presentation as normal, then when it gets to the quote slides hold down the space bar and stop when you want it to stop.


Then, to move on to the next slide after the quote-slide-loop, you can type in the slide number of the slide after the quote loop and press enter.


Slightly less technical way of doing it. That was also a very long winded way of saying it, but I think I just about got my point across.






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it DOES have an onLoad command it's just an absolute pain to get at, else I'd have recommend using it. If you have the time on your hands you can follow the link in one of my previous posts to the MS site (the link is slide:onChange but its the same principle) and code it up. Sadly however my openGL course work is due in on tuesday and I have yet to do the 30 page write up for it, so I'm out of time to work out how to muck about with 2 separate modules and somehow getting the code in the first one called at the right moment. I'm sure it's not that hard but I don't know it off the top of my head and I haven't got time right now to find out.
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