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LED Pars


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Thanks for that Jamie, I will probably get 4 to try out with my blues trio first, if they're suitable I can get more for my other bands. A friend of mine has some of the 5mm ones (can't remember what make, think they were from CPC) so I can borrow them and make a comparison.


@Brian, yes I'm making several dangerous assumptions, but with nothing else to go on...

Which is why...


'Nuff said

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Just typical that Thomann release a cheap 1W LED par and I go and get another batch of the Eurolite 64's!

Anyway, the Eurolite 64's are great. The 10mm LED's do make a difference, as does the narrower beam output yet it's still gives you a wash. Though you never get proper white with LED in this price range.

Another thing is that the RGB is set out on 'rings' or layers rather than a 'grid' on the PCB and I've found this to be a really good 'eye candy' effect if you set the LED's to about 40%. Put a dozen or so behind bands and you get a nice yet 'that-par-has-dead-LED's' kindof effect.

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Funny you should mention those Eurolite 1W par64's, I've just spotted them myself whilst looking for some LED floods (but might be swayed now...)


36 x 1W led's for £116, that seems like an exceptional deal. That said, how much difference is there in the 1W led's over the 10mm led's in the PAR64 from Eurolite? (I have 6 of those already for close wash/small gigs)


And I suppose the ultimate question, how do the 1W lights fare in comparison to a 500w par64? Real world situation, so gelled with amber/orange, red, mid blue (rather than open white which it obviously won't compare favourably with)

There have been enough 1W units out there for enough time for some people to have an opinion now I'd have thought?

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I can't believe how cheap and common LED 64's are getting, yet DMX LED uplighters/downlighters are still quite pricey. Nuisance. Does anyone know of a good source? I'd be looking for about 10. Considering Par 36 LED's but they're so bulky and I wanted to make them subtle.


Edit - Sorry if this is too offtopic, but they're kind of related? Please move to a new thread if this is a problem.

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I know that for some purposes a direct comparison with standard parcans is useful, but in the small band (or similar) set up where you might normally have 8, 12 or 16 parcans, if you replaced them directly with led parcans you would have say 4 leds in the same colour for every 1 standard parcan. Not sure if I explained that clearly, I'll have another go: Your standard parcans would be gelled in say 4 colours, so for all red in an 8 light set up, only 2 parcans would be on, wheras you could have all 8 leds on. Not that I'd want to use all 8 (or 12 or 16) like that, may as well have a colour-changing wash, but you get my drift.
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Not sure if that was in response to my post, but if it was, I'm after a 1 to 1 comparison because the point of me going to LED is so I can rig less cans.


E.g. I rig 1 LED can to replace 4 par64 on white, blue, amber, red

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Ah yes, that makes sense, I'm going to try out a small band rig with 2 led par64s each side. Might save some room in the back of the car.


(Edited for second thoughts):


I'd be tempted to keep some 500w open whites as well, given that that is where the standard parcans shine, as it were!

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Just had a couple of the eurolights 64 pars from Thomann. Not really had time to play (gotta go out), but set one up next to a stairville 56. Cheap gear compared to what a lot of you use, but ideal price for me practice with.


The 32w par 64 is a lot brighter than the 15w par 56 (no surprise I suppose) But the beam is a lot tighter. I almost feel for a small band with a short projection more 56's would be better due to this beam angle. Then again its hard to tell in a small living room!

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Yes sorry, they are the 10mm ones. Photo below shows the beam angle.





The walls are white, with the par 56 producing the green and the par 64 producing the red.

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