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Budget Tom mics


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I've been able to source the T.Bone CD55's locally which I'm going to try out along with an AKG D40 and Shure PG56. I'm going to do a rough shootout between these tomorrow and see how these compare and which one I like the most. Will report back tomorrow night.
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I've been able to source the T.Bone CD55's locally which I'm going to try out along with an AKG D40 and Shure PG56. I'm going to do a rough shootout between these tomorrow and see how these compare and which one I like the most. Will report back tomorrow night.


pg56 - definitely better than the cd55 - more full bodied / detailed than the red5 IMO - not much in it but definitely better.

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Thanks. Shootout got cancelled so I am going to hang on for a bit. Originally I wanted to buy something this week to use at a large gig this weekend but now that I've found the T.Bones locally I would like to do an a/b with these and anything else I can find locally to borrow. Ive been able to source a few more of Tom mics locally and am planning to do a lot of thorough comparisons both in the studio and live before I make a decision.So far I've been able to source :-

T.Bone CD55, Red 5 RVD9, AKG D40, Shure PG56, Sennheiser E604.

Ideally I'd like to hear the Beyer TG-D57c, Audix D2 and Sennheiser E904 aswell out of curiosity but I don't see myself spending that amount on Tom mics! I have bought some K&M 24030 drum rim mic clips as I'm aware that most of the options I've been considering have very poor drum clips.


In the meantime I'm going to be borrowing some mics when possible and or use my Sennheiser E838's with the K&M clamps.

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CPC now sell the D606 for more than many ebay sellers now sell them for - so the price increase will shortly wipe out the D606. I went to re-order, noticed the price hike and cancelled. The cost price is now £19. 18 months ago it was £9. My favourite Chinese suppliers are now offering a condenser that Thomann sell (good for overheads) for silly money. I'll have a look at these to check they are the same thing, but as they are side fire, not really much use for drums. The other popular snare mics from China have all gone up in price. I cannot find anything that I could replace the D606 price point with. Not sure what is going on?
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Wrt the Red5 mics, yes they are OK, although much better for electric guitar imo than drums.


However the clips as said above, are absolutely dreadful. I added locking washers to mine and that stopped them undoing and falling off but they were still very difficult to get done up tight enough to stay on a drum all night.


I always cringe when I hear the word budget, usually for a few extra quid (in this case about £20) you could get something really decent to do the job with.


I sold my Red5's and bought Sennheiser e604s (at £79 inc vat each from Studiospares) and the difference is chalk and cheese imo. Just kept a couple of RVD9s for electric guitar.



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Thanks for the offer. I've already sourced some Shure PG's near me.

I've been listening to lots of online demos and the mics that stand out the most to me are the Sennheiser e604, e904 and the Beyer TG D57c which is a condenser. I think these mics are a clear step up from the cheaper mics I've been considering and I'm tempted to save a while for one of these.

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Hi guys,

Sorry to post another thread about tom mics but this is regarding these four mics specifically. Originally I was considering going the budget route but I've been listening to to various online a/b's and I simply think these mics sound much better than the budget options I have been considering. As a result I'm probably going to save longer and probably go with one of these options! At the moment I can only source the e604's to try so have a few specific questions :-

How do these mics compare regarding rejecting bleed from other drums?Is there a big difference in the output of these mics?How do they compare regarding reliability and build quality?Will the Beyer TG D57c condenser have more bleed from the rest of the drums compared to the various dynamics I've mentioned?

I've got some K&M 24030 drum mic clips as these are generally preferred over the plastic clips that come on a lot of drum mics.


I will be doing some comparisons of various budget mics and the e604's out of curiosity just to hear how they compare out of curiosity.

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