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Guns again!


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If your going into firearms you're playing in a mine field! The law is not clear and much of it untested in court. No bb guns, most (but not all) air weapons, blank firers, deacts etc need a licence. BUT....... they are still controlled by the firearms act and it's amendments. There is a wonderful document, the title of which I cannot remember, but it's something like 'Firearms - guidance to Chief Officers of Police'. Look on google for ACPO, Firearms, guidance and the like and you'll find it. It's free for download. IIRC theatre use is mentioned. Phone you're local police firearms department. They will usually be pleased to help. They will certainly be pleased to know what is going on.


DO NOT take any gun in any shape or form out in a public place. You will be committing an offence under the firearms act and probably under other acts as well. You may also be causing an offence if the public (not your audience) can see the weapon even though it is on/in a private place. As I said it's a minefield.


Just an example. Someone mentioned the SO19 type response. Well we had a guy in our police area prating about with an air rifle on the road. He even pointed it at a police car. He won't be doing that again. He's dead. They shot him. Lawful killing. End of story!


Tim (Section 1 Firearms certificate holder for longer than he wants to remember :) )

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