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Tool Lanyards


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I work for a company called Leading Edge Safety and we manufacture the worlds largest range of tool lanyards here in the UK, so this could be viewed as a commercial post, well it is but mostly I want to be of help.


We have developed a range of universal tool tethers that can be retro fitted to any tool


please don't go to our main site as you will not find them easily, the brochure is available at:


http://www.leadingedgesafety.co.uk/tool-systems.pdf there is a very useful tool safety guidance section in this pdf.


Our main site for tool lanyards is at: http://www.toollanyardsbagsandbelts.com/ and if you go to our shop you can buy them online.


Hope this will help



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I work for a company called Leading Edge Safety and we manufacture the worlds largest range of tool lanyards here in the UK, so this could be viewed as a commercial post, well it is but mostly I want to be of help.



Our main site for tool lanyards is at: http://www.toollanyardsbagsandbelts.com/ and if you go to our shop you can buy them online.


Hope this will help




just looked at your website am I right in seeing a picture of someone attached to a ladder?


edit for spelling

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I dont know about anyone else but there is no way in gods green earth that anyone would get me to clip myself off to a ladder !!



Hey guys thought we were discussing tool lanyards whatever you do DON'T clip onto ladders with tool lanyards and tethers.


Ladder Safety is a height safety subject


Ladder and step-ladder accidents undoubtedly are a common occurrence

14 FATAL accidents at work every year involve ladders

With 1226 (more than 100 a month) Major injuries, falls from ladders and stepladders account for nearly a third of all injuries and cost the uk economy around £60 million annually.

Source: HSE Gov.uk/statistics


You can clip on to a ladder so that you are protected should you slip or fall, but two things need to be done first.


1. the ladder needs to be stablised.

2. you need a special lanyard preferably one with a grab which travels with you as you move up and down the ladder


If you would like more information on ladder safety visit:



Hope this helps



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  • 1 month later...

Hey Guys,


This as some of the posts before may be viewed as a commercial post, but as you were asking where to find tool lanyards, I thought I would try and be of help.


I work for a company that has a range of tool lanyards, and a site dedicated to just tool lanyards. We do a 'kit' that comes in a blister pack, and should be ideal for any tool lanyard requirement. We also do a 'retractable' tool lanyard.


The website is http://www.tool-lanyard.co.uk


I hope I haven't offended or annoyed anyone with this post, like I said, you guys were asking where you could get them from, I thought I would try and be helpful.




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