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DMux output cables


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I agree it certainly wouldn't be pleasant, although depending on usage you could either just modify a fully wired parallel printer lead, or take a printer lead and two bleecon leads and stick a project box in the middle. Not so neat, but sometimes cost is the main deciding factor, and buying the ready made lead doubles the cost of the demux.
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I guess I'm alone in finding soldering theraputic (a bit like my wife treats knitting) when I have the time. A pot of good coffee, a proper clamp for the work (in this case I'd probably use a mating connector mounted on a board) and Radio 4 playing in the background and I can while away a happy hour or two.


However, I agree that, with the cost of connectors, if you factor in your own time, then £50 doesn't sound too bad a price if you don't have the same fetish as me for the smell of melted lead in the morning!



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I guess I'm alone in finding soldering theraputic (a bit like my wife treats knitting) when I have the time. A pot of good coffee, a proper clamp for the work (in this case I'd probably use a mating connector mounted on a board) and Radio 4 playing in the background and I can while away a happy hour or two.


Nope - you're not at all alone.


I learned to solder as a mere youth, some 35 years ago, and spent a LOT of time in the early days of my day job soldering - sometimes all day!

At home I was always making up some little project or other, burning my own PCB's or working out Veroboard layouts.


I don't get much call for it these days though - other than wiring up rad mic heads and occasional repair of the XLR leads. Made up a half dozen of those call-light extension lamps for our talkback - I quite enjoyed the time I spent on those, once I found (or was kindly sent, by a BR member :P) the right transistors.


And don't get me going on the aroma of REAL solder.... ;)

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I am the sort of person that would do it myself, because I too enjoy soldering, so long as it is the stuff that contains lead! If you have spare cables lying around that wont be used for anything, you may want to practise soldering on the sort of scale that is needed incase it is needed in the future.
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Easiest method ive found is to buy a 10 meter fully wired 25 pin lead ,cut it in half,add some heat shrink and the appropriate plugs for your dimmers,saves all that fiddling with d subs.

I completely agree with themadhippy. Soldering D-subs can be a nightmare once things start going wrong.



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Yes, soldering multi-cores is a wonderfull pass-time if you have a steady hand and a good eye.


I've still got a steady hand but the old eye sight is a bit iffy these days, I need to resort to one of those illuminated magnifying glasses, which make the soldering iron look like a poker.


The older BR member will know what a poker is, for the younger members a poker is a large metal bar used to attend a coal fire.


The older members of BR will know what a coal fire is, for the younger members a coal fire is a fire fueld by pieces of coal, a mineral extracted from the earth in a coal mine.


The older members of BR will know what a coal mines is, for the younger members a coal mine is a deep shaft into the earth.............


........and we could go on & on & on....

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