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The Motorola talkabouts are a good idea. We actually use them as our normal comms system for every show (being a school we can't afford much else v_v) and they're not half bad. The problem is that them being walkie talkies you can't have three people talking at once, and it can be difficult when two people decided to say something at the same time...



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do you need lx changes within the different rooms, or are you just having 1 state in each?


you could rig up a cue system on discreet switches that the actor could press as they enter the room, and another as they're about to exit?

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hey all,

Thanks for all your suggestions-very very helpful.

There will only be one room needing to be lit at any time plus perhaps a small walkway to said room. I'm thinking the motorola handsets sound good. I am also thinking that instead of hiring half a dozen boards, I get enough lanterns and an additional operator then leap-frog each other. Then I only need 2 boards. That seems like a really good idea.


I did think about the loading but I dont think I will be using that much. I've used the equipment before where each stand had 5 lanterns loaded on to it, pretty much all on full and that was fine. I dont want to be using any more than this per room and it will be more ambient lighting than previously so I'm hoping to only draw 26a at the most at any one time. I will double check though that, should I go over or should me and teh other operator work at the same time and perhaps have both rigs on, this will be okay!


The sound is another problem I've yet to sort out!! ** laughs out loud **. It should be okay-the venue has a pretty good set up but, again, is operated from one point. There's going to be very limited sound so that should be fine!! Just when the audience is moving from the different venues so between 2 technicians and the director who doesnt mind getting stuck in we should manage it!!


Once again, thanks for all the ideas. If anyone thinks of anymore, keep them coming!! This project is only in July so I've got a little time to think and price stuff up :)




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A wireless control system would be quite cool for this sort of stuff, just have a PDA on a conventional wireless network running some sort of show control software for both lights and sound. Remote focus on steroids.


Though, if such a thing does exist, it won't be cheap.


One more thing for the list of stuff to write when I'm bored :).

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It does exist, but as part of a very expensive install and the remote is an iPaq (compulite do it as seen here). You could probably bodge one together, but too much time and money IMHO. Just do the two techs thing and run like the wind :)


As for sound, just wing it :) Use a motorola style comms system to tell the sound guy if its ok. He'll hate not being able to hear it, just as much as a lampie hates not being able to see the rig.

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How do you mean? The problem with this show is that there isn't just one director. There are various schools run by workshop leaders (who are a bit clueless when it comes to tech stuff) but the main guy over all of us - kinda of a director/ project manager whatever he's called he is pretty able to do some stuff but only basic. He's willing to give it a go though.


Are you thinking on having the director on comms calling out cues? That then means a lot of cabling around an old hall which I wanted to get away from.



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