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Viewing DMX output


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I have a small controller board to test at home and a ENTEC Pro US/DMX dongle. Sometime back I remember plugging the output from the board into the ENTEC's DMX "in" socket and using some software to 'see' the DMX channels and at what level the board was setting them. But for the life o me I can't find the software. Ideas?.
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I messed up my last reply. I set this all up on my WIN10 64 desktop only to find the response rate to a fader move was up to 40 seconds! Turning the packet refresh rate from 40 to 0 improved it to 3 to 12 seconds. So I downloaded again and installed onto my WIN10 64 laptop. The results were exactly the same either way. At the moment it appears unusable. I can't believe that other light tech and console manufactures don't have a way of looking at the entire console output for testing purposes.
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If a console outputs artnet or sacn then I’d use luminet monitor. If it’s just physical DMX outputs I’d use a Swisson tester or similar.

Or a DMXCat. You can see a whole universe at once as a screenful of little bar graphs or you can see a smaller range of channels as %age or decimals.

Edited by DrV
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The EOS software I run at home does output Artnet/sACN so this looks very good for monitoring that. Unfortunately the board I'm testing is just DMX which limits the tools I can use. But thanks for the input here.
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