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Tom thanks for the tips. I have been speaking with Stu (thanks Stu!) and he also recommended getting some scans, so I have started looking at those. Artist does have a shape generator (sort of). It recognises the fact that scans have mirrors, and on the Effects tab of the software, you can use lots of sliders and things to turn a circle into a figure of 8, zig-zag, quarter circle and even better is that you can control speed, offsetting (so you can start your figure of 8 halfway across the X-axis meaning you get half a figure of 8!) and even stagger the fixtures so they aren't doing the exact same thing.


Unfortunatley I found a bug in Artist that prevented these shapes from being saved, but a patch is being written and will be available tommorow morning!


Regarding the colour chases, I think they will have to be programmed manually as it appears most scans dont use 0-255 for pure colours - some values are used for loops etc... and I would prefer to do my chasing with the colors I specify. As for shutter chasing, is that where the shutters open and close in sequence? If so, I would also have to program that manually, but I have had experience offline in creating the chases and watching the output bars, so I should be ok with that.


Thanks everyone for all your input, I can't believe how many people out there can spare some time to help out some completely in-experienced lighting club members to acheive something they have never done before. I'll keep you all posted ;)

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I think that I speak for all of us when I say that we all add in what we know that could be of any use to you.


all the best with the show - break a few of the acts limbs-> your's are too useful!


the miniscan hpe sounds like a great little toy - must get around to playing with a few at some time.




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god no!! :o


;) for ever!


I have never needed the appause of an audience to tell me that I did a good job.



put another way - the acts are only on for 10 mins all night, crew are on all night and also need to de-rig the kit afterwards.


one good idiom to an actor who was playing up was:


listen, these guys (us) are the first ones here, and the last ones out. they are paid the wages you should get all while you are paid the wages they should get. so stop being a little P.O.S. to them!


<that sorted him out for the rest of the tour>


on the third hand, we would be unemployed without them; just as they would be dancing in the dark without us.


but dont get that all in the air again. :D




:blink: for ever

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It seems like you could do with a proper control desk if your going to be using these movers, I always like to help people starting out if I can so give me the dates and I will lend you my Pearl for FREE (if its available).


(Note to all reading this: I'm not always this nice so don't try it)


This way you'll get the chance to use a proper (or at least fairly common) lighting desk. I have a copy of the visualiser program so you can get the hang of the desk before you get the MACs (and not having to hire a desk may give you enough money to get some better / more lights).


The above offer is subject to the head of your schools drama dept giving me a call to discuss this further but there really is no catch. Get your teacher to email me through this forum and we'll take it from there



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I always like to help people starting out if I can so give me the dates and I will lend you my Pearl for FREE (if its available).

Wow now there is a kind gent.


Should be more of you (same applies for this whole forum) in the business.



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god yeah - could make putting on a great show much easier if there were more in the business.


sweeeeeet - free pearl board! B)


and to think that I made do with the lowly sirius 48 for how many years? ;)




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Guys, perhaps something I need to point out here - I'm 15, and the most sophisticated desk I've ever used for lighting was a Zero88 Alcora! Stu has given me some training over MSN Messenger on how to program a submaster, but I don't feel very comfortable with it at the moment. I am gonna have a play with the simulator and see what I can do. I will also post this in my other thread :D
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try the avolites courses - they were a godsend to my mate.

hmmm, must get on one of those courses soon- then I can say that I have at least played with a pearl.


all the best - keep at it and you can use a huge amount of other boards along the same lines later.



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The Pearl course is more than just being trained on the desk, as you can also get a good chance to play with movers, and get to understand them better if you've not used them to a great extent before.



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