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    (Rank) Strand Lighting, 1981-1999 White Light, 1999-still here.
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    Andy Syposz

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  1. Thank you for explaining much better what I was trying to say. K.
  2. From a traditional dimmer point of view, some manufacturers use inverse logic for PWM. Positive logic would be 0v (off) to 5v PWM Inverse logic would be 5v(off) to 0 PWM. If your "Alibaba" cards use +ve logic and you're feeding an inverse logic signal into them then yes, a 5v (inverse OFF) signal will send the LED to full. K.
  3. Are any of the Power capacitors bulging? (1000uf 35v from a very fuzzy memory). May be worth replacing as a precaution. K
  4. Regarding the button cell. The "button cell" on the Control Surface (CS) processor is the security chip (displayed as 18 digits on the REPORT screen) which is embedded in your 36 digit password (a file STRAND.PAS) for enabling channels/applications. In order to retain your console's channels and apps, it would need to be transferred along with it's associated password to the newer console. Regarding the Nicad. From memory, the current running show and any modifications made by the operator were stored in RAM on the CS Processor. This show and any changes made by the operator would be automatically transferred (backed up) to the hard drive on a regular (I don't know the frequency) basis during normal operation and saved as DAT files in the 220os directory. If for any reason the console crashes or has a brown out, the Nicad (NiMH) would retain the RAM information on the CS processor so that on recovery, the latest information at time of the console going down would be retained (and subsequently automatically backed up to the hard drive). I have removed the nicad on one of my consoles for peace of mind. The console is not used in any anger or subject to loads of show critical operator modifications so I'm not really worried about the data on the CS processor. Each time the console power cycles, it displays the message loading CS processor (as expected) as it cannot find any data on the CS processor and transfers the latest info it had from the hard drive to the CS processor. This is something I'm prepared to live with especially on a 510 which has a multitude of screws to remove for internal inspecton. For other 500 series consoles I've started to wire the Nicad "OFF" board so any leakage will not damage the CS processor. So choices are either 1. Mount Nicad back in it's original position on the CS processor and regularly inspect. 2. Leave out the Nicad and live with the latest automatically backed up copy on the hard drive. Try it a few times to see how it goes, you can always add the Nicad if operating this way is not acceptable. 3. Mount the Nicad safely off board.
  5. Strand tended to use 2 types of motherboard, AL440 series and SE440 series. Depending on which one you use, the BIOS settings will differ for 500 series applications. Default BIOS settings are not an issue when trying to get the DOS aspect of the machine working. K.
  6. If a PS2 keyboard is connected, try toggling the numlock button. The numlock LED on the keyboard will toggle in sympathy. This is an indication that at least the motherboard is working. With the console off, check security of the passive riser card. This is what plugs into the black connector (ISA) on the right of the motherboard. Remove (clean?) and reinsert a few times. It has been known to work loose or make a poor connection over time. Let us know how you get on. K.
  7. Please can you supply more details or photos of power up symptoms. K.
  8. I remember having some comms on this with Ian and after running factory diagnostics, was informed that nearly all reference voltage readings had failed. If the power (voltage) going to the devices that measure the references is out, then the readings will fail. Extract of comms: "The power rail sensing in the diagnostics (and console mode) needs power itself to operate. There are 4 low value 1R8 surface mount resistors that may have failed. They are in the vicinity of the passive riser card that connects the motherboard to the CS processor and what supply +12v and -12v onto the CS processor card. I found it easier in the past to remove the CS processor card and unplug the passive riser to be able to get meter probes in to measure the values of the resistors. (R274, R275, R276, R277)." K.
  9. Wasn't there a console where by if you entered sub mode, the top bank of faders would remain as individual channels and the bottom bank became the subs? Maybe recording subs onto the bottom bank may cure the problem.
  10. "Playing Back a Submaster" I have not had the opportunity to operate this desk but is it possible the submaster may have a very long fade time associated with it?
  11. Hiya. From what I can see, spec quotes 12-20v, 500mA. What does your DC adaptor claim to be? Do you have the means to measure the voltage coming out of it (preferably whilst connected to the console)? Do you have an alternative DC adaptor you could try? K.
  12. The 18 digit security code (unique for each console) is embedded in the 36 digit password. This password can be set to unlock channels (increments of 25) and applications, Communique, Kaleidoscope, GenPro, networker etc for a particular security chip. Hence each password is unique to each console. All applications are in the consoles, they just need unlocking. From my memory of being at Strand, the password generator (Dos based software) required a dongle (ye olde type of ye 25 pins variety in the parallel port) to work. No idea if the original password generator facility was "updated" to be used on post windows 98 PCs without the need for a dongle. K.
  13. I seem to have a fuzzy recollection that back at the tail end of the last millenium, there may have been some compatibility issues between Strand DMX and Z88 betapacks using high(ish) DMX addresses, but believe that to have been resolved. I have used my MX into BPs without problems. OK, so the BPs were addressed below 50 but I'm sure others would have commented by now if there were any outstanding compatibility issues. K.
  14. As mentioned earlier, I remove and leave out the battery. But this is only for the kit that I have. For a customers console, I've gotten into the habit of mounting and securing the battery remotely off the PCB such that if the battery decides to leak, no further damage will occur to the PCB. K
  15. I tend to cut out and leave out the Nicad. Only use I found for it was to retain the current show in RAM during "BROWNOUTS" in case the console did not manage to do one of it's autosaves. There are tracks running in the vicinity of the nicad and once corrosion gets to them they're a right $%^%%$ to fix. Some consoles may still have diagnostic test software left on them which when run, would normally be a good indicator to the source of the problem. You need to run CTOS.exe from the dos prompt. If CTOS exists, you'll find it in the 220os directory. If you don't have it, let me know and I'll ty to email you a copy. K.
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